Monday, May 25, 2020
The Themes Of Love And Violence In George Orwells 1984
â€Å"Love, friendship, and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.†(Anton Chekhov). As depressing as it sounds, many of life’s societies are founded solely on hatred, eventually corrupting the people so that their only â€Å"hope†or â€Å"relief†is found in the government’s control. George Orwell, English novelist (b.1903-d.1950) utilized the concepts of love and hatred within his dystopian novel, 1984, which is a totalitarian society under a government by the name of the Party, ruled by Big Brother, the â€Å"deity†of Oceania. However, both emotions aren’t as they are in real life, for they are forced upon the people of Oceania through government promoting propaganda; thus, love and hatred are purely influenced by the Party†¦show more content†¦Not only is the Two Minute Hate is a way to get rid of any built up anger, but it serves to keep the population’s frustration of their repress ed lives since the Party is providing a â€Å"face†for the people to direct their detestation to. In current society, this daily release of pent-up anger could actually be seen as beneficial, since one would not feel that negative emotion until the following day; nevertheless, it demonstrates how manipulative the government can be if allowed the direct control over personal emotions. Regrettably, this â€Å"public hatred†has been already used by the U.S, with the government focused on publicizing hatred towards Osama Bin Laden after the incident in 9/11; the public was so occupied with their despise of Laden, that they paid no heed to the U.S’ bombing of Afghanistan, which was killing hundreds of innocent civilians. Across the novel, it is clear that one of the Party’s main motives is to replace all sentiments of family love with only loyal love to Big Brother. In reality, the only form of â€Å"love†that exists in 1984 is based on fear of being punished, tortured, orShow MoreRelatedBetrayal Like Its 1984 Essay929 Words  | 4 Pagesseveral examples of this throughout the novel. Some of these examples are when Charrington betrays Winston and Julia, when Parsons is betrayed by his children, when Winston and Julia betray one another, and when Winston finally betrays himself. George Orwell used these examples to demonstrate how the party was able to sever any type of loyalties between people and even one’s self. This betrayal only perpetuates the fear of relationships causing people to welcome isolation. One of the first examplesRead MoreMargaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale Essay1624 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout history, this bodily autonomy has been impaired by sexual control and dominance. By painting dystopian societies that heavily restrict reproduction and sexuality, Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale, her poem A Woman’s Issue, and George Orwell’s 1984 all convey that sexual repression undermines individual identity and autonomy. 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Baur, S (2006) The Beatles and Philosophy Chicago: Open Court p87 Beatles music makes you feel good, even 30 years after first hearing it, I and many other fans get intense pleasure from listening to the songs. By the age of 4 I was a keen listener, and by the ageRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 And The Reason Behind Ted Kaczynski s Motives1957 Words  | 8 Pagesproperty, such an individual can go to any destructive length to achieve their objective, even to the point of personal injury or ultimately leading to death. Instances like these are evident throughout history and are shown in novels such as 1984, by George Orwell, and other sources, including 9/11 and the reason behind Ted Kaczynski s motives. These types of individuals can become a very deadly threat to society that cannot be easily stopped, since they do not respond to the usual incentives thatRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy, Ray Bradbury, And 19842199 Words  | 9 PagesBradbury, and 1984 by George Orwell. All of these books are categorized in the dystopian genre but have very different symbols, styles, and implications. Each of these novels have different styles because some include a society with overbearing rules, such as Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, whereas The Road has virtually no society. Despite their differences, the purpose of these novels is to demonstrate that the only thing strong enough to conquer a corrupt and inhumane society is through true love and passionRead More The Turbulen Sixties Essay1645 Words  | 7 Pagesracism and militarism, two main focal points which were principal in many early sixties protest songs (Pichaske 58). Dylan used conventional symbols to blatantly state his point; a white dove representing peace, flying cannon balls describing war and violence, and roads and seas symbolizing the hardships and struggles there would have to be with eliminating the war. Demonstrations against the Vietnam War took place in many major cities and college campuses. While many of these demonstrations had only
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Dream Of The Rood By William Shakespeare - 927 Words
When I read the assignments in the beginning of the semester, I was thinking that the material that we covered will not be appealing to me. In high school, my twelfth grade English class covered, William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, was not impressed then, and not much has changed since my time at South View High School. I was familiar with Dante infernos, also Homer and the Trojan War. Still thinking to myself which will chose, it was not until I was required to read â€Å"The Dream of the Rood†an Old English Poem, that of all the assignment we had to read this particular piece really resonated with me. I can remember seeing the movie â€Å"The Passion of the Christ†a movie that depicted the brutal crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 2004, I can remember thinking that this is an incredible way of telling the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Then I read the Dream of the Rood and it is an emotional and inspiring piece of work. In the story â€Å"The Dream of the Rood†it speaks to me on an emotional level, it tells the story of Christ from a different standpoint, it describes Jesus Christ as a hero not merely a man that is full filling prophecy. I know the of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I understand that he came to save the world, and the way He died the brutality of it had to be that way in order to fulfill prophecy. In the dream of the rood the writer says as Jesus is approaching the cross â€Å"He climbed on the high gallows, bold in the sight of many, when he wouldShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s The Dream Of The Rood, Beowulf, And The Canterbury Tales Essay1414 Words  | 6 Pagesconvention of British civilization came during the Medieval Period. The Medieval stories of â€Å"The Dream of the Rood,†Beowulf, and The Canterbury Tales contained some of the British culture concerning gender, religion, and the view of heroes. One aspect of British culture of the Medieval times was the stereotypes of gender and certain expectations in gender roles. For example, the poet of â€Å"The Dream of the Rood†used masculine and feminine language to show position of power (masculine) and powerlessnessRead MorePeriods of English Literature1515 Words  | 7 Pagesthe tales that the bards sang, the ancient folk tales of the Anglo-Saxons. The monks also tried to infuse the Anglo-Saxons with a love for Christianity, where the heroes were Christ and his Apostles, by writing poetry such as â€Å"Cinewulf†, â€Å"The Dream of the Rood†and â€Å"Elene†. It was a monk, in fact, who wrote down the tale of â€Å"Beowulf†, the most celebrated tale of the period. â€Å"Beowulf†is a folk epic that is representative of the Old English period, in both life and character. â€Å"Beowulf†can beRead MoreHamlets Psychological Aspect2256 Words  | 10 Pagesorder to clarify Hamlet’s personality and behaviour, I will provide some aspects of the historical context in which Shakespeare was inspired to write this play, and a brief summary of it to take into account the plot. Finally, I will make a conclusion in which I will try to summarise the most important impressions of this research. Historical Context of the play Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in the last years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, who had been the queen of England more than forty yearsRead MoreLiterary Group in British Poetry5631 Words  | 23 Pageschronologically; for example, estimates for the date of the great epic Beowulf range from AD 608 right through to AD 1000, and there has never been anything even approaching a consensus.[2] It is possible to identify certain key moments, however. The Dream of the Rood was written before circa AD 700, when excerpts were carved in runes on the Ruthwell Cross.[3] Some poems on historical events, such as The Battle of Brunanburh (937) and The Battle of Maldon (991), appear to have been composed shortly after the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Appreciating Mom - 800 Words
Growing Lily At age three I said â€Å"I love you mommy.†At age seven I said, â€Å"Mom, stop kissing my cheek!†At age fifteen I say, â€Å"You’re so annoying – I can’t wait to move out!†At age eighteen, I’ll be saying â€Å"I miss home.†At age twenty-seven I’ll be saying â€Å"I miss my mom.†At age forty I’ll be saying â€Å"I miss you so much; I wish you didn’t have to go.†My mom is the sun to my shine. My mother is a hard worker. She loves what she does for a living. She does arrangements for peoples’ houses. I’ve seen her work from 7 a.m. to midnight at times. The hard work pays off but most of her earnings go to bills or groceries. When she has a new project, she goes shopping for flowers to make what mental image she has in her into reality. The†¦show more content†¦She has the power to make you smile when you’re down, make you cry by telling a story, keep you under control when you’re too rowdy and get angry when needed. Family is an important thing to my mother. She loves to spend as much time as she can with them. She believes in the Hawaiian saying, â€Å"Ohanna: Nobody gets left behind.†This past summer we went on a cruise ship. The whole side of my mom’s family had gone. I enjoyed my time there, especially when we arrived in Cozumel, MX. One of the most embarrassing things that could happen to me frightened my mom to death. Purging is said to make you lose weight. The banging on the restroom door startled me knowing I would be caught. From that point on she took extra care of my health. Looking after what I ate, when I should exercise etc. When I was fourteen, my parents and I made a deal that if I lost twenty pounds, I would be able to get my first tattoo. She supported me with it, thus, me losing the weight. Not everyone grows up with manners. I have a high tolerance for respect. Growing up going to church every Sunday due to my mom helped me adapt to maturity. Not that I’m highly bipolar, but I do lose my temper really drastically. I’ve been taught by my mom to forgive and forget. Through the worst of her times that people have put her through; she forgives. She tells me I have the blood of my dad seeing as how I will always hold a grudge towards someone no matter what. I know my mom wants the best for her kids,Show MoreRelatedThematic Essay on Diary of Anne Frank1452 Words  | 6 Pagesvery frustrated. Her mom constantly does this and it makes Anne furious causing her to hate her mother at an unbelievable level. Later on in Anne’s diary though the theme adolescence is developed when Anne reads through her diary and is shocked at how negatively she wrote of her mother in past entries. On Page 155 in her entry of December 24, 1943 she wrote â€Å"Do you know what I’ve come up with? 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It is also a story of men not appreciating the sacrifices that women make. This passage, from The Nightingale and the Rose, foreshadows the consequences of not a appreciating nature. It then symbolizes pregnancy and childbirth, a sacrifice many women make that men take for granted. The first part of the passage usesRead MoreThe Most Memorable Meal Essay662 Words  | 3 Pagesabout the most memorable meal that I have eaten in my life, perhaps the first thing that appears in my mind is my daddy’s soup. It was 10 years ago, when I was just a little boy. At that time, my mom had so much work at her office and she just couldn’t come back home until 9 p.m. In my family, my mom was the only one who could prepare food and cook. 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I mean, my dad had a nice paying job, however my mom did not even make half of what he made. They had to put me through basketball camps, AYBT, AAU, and strength and conditioning classes and I was worried about designer jeans and name-brand things that would only be replaced by something better and moreRead MoreI Felt Like Making A Deep Breath Of Fresh Air1728 Words  | 7 Pagesmany other kinds of toys, I still feel boring sometimes. The joy of playing now hardly appears to me. Therefore, I notice that people s desires are infinite, but what they have are limited. instead of focusing on what I don’t have, I should try appreciating what I do have. This is a way get satisfied and â€Å"comforted†. The last thing in the poem I was interested was the taste of the plums. The poet repeated the sentence â€Å"They taste good to her†four times. I did not understand why he did this when IRead MoreBeneficial Reflections of the Past715 Words  | 3 Pagessomeone who never had it in the first place. Furthermore, as my grandfather was struggling, â€Å"my mother dropped out of school†(Aceves 2) so she could get a job and help my grandfather. Going to school is a drag, but it’s a privilege to be able to go. My mom does whatever she can to support my education since she wasn’t able to get it. Finally, to support the family, and our needs, my father â€Å"work[s] two jobs going from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.†(R. Aceves). I have all these material items but never cared aboutRead MoreLease Agreement Essay897 Words  | 4 Pagesforfeit it. - A word of advice to you too. Go to church and join Nkunzi. So you can pray together and be cleansed of all your sins. Do you hear me? I remember my mom trying to give me the sex talk. She tried. She still hasnt told me. My mom told me everything. Seriously. Okay... maybe... its because shes not my birth mom. Shes my stepmom. So maybe thats why she felt so free around me. Anyway, she told me everything. Id do things with guys and then tell them my mother had taughtRead MoreOur Stars Is More Than A Love Story867 Words  | 4 PagesStars is more than a love story, it explores topics that a lot young adult fiction shies away from. It delves in the life of two teens, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, facing their own mortality, while exploring their first love and appreciating the love their family offers. There are many types of love: romantic love, friendship, and family. Love is part of our everyday life, not romance, but the pure love we get from family. Family is bond made at birth; it is unbreakable and comforting
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A P by John Updike free essay sample
Small Town Hero In his short story A P John Updike focuses on a 19-year-old immature teen to show us how a young boy gets one step closer to adulthood, or atleast thinks he does. Sammy, who is an A P checkout clerk, talks to the reader with blunt first person observations, which sets the tone of the story from the beginning. The setting of the story shows us Sammys position in life and where he really wants to be. Through the characterization of Sammy, Updike uses a simple heroic symbol to teach us that actions have consequences and we are responsible for our own. Sammy is a 19-year-old boy showing off a cocky but cute male attitude. He describes three girls entering the A P, which sets the tone of the story. In walk these three girls in nothing but bathing suits. There was this chunky one, with the two piece-it was bright green and the seams on the bra were still sharp and her belly was still pretty pale there was this one, with one of those chubby berry-faces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this one, and a tall one, with black hair that hadnt quite frizzed right ou know the kind of girl other girls think is very striking and attractive but never quite makes it She was the queen with long white prima-donna legs. We will write a custom essay sample on A P by John Updike or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (85) Completely distracted by the girls, Sammy rings a box of HiHo crackers twice, maddening the customer. He describes her as being One of these cash-register-watchers, a witch of about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, and I know it made her day to trip me up, sarcastically showing his opinionated attitude toward women. We learn about Sammys location in life through the setting of the story. He is not a big time war hero or superstar but a checker at a small town A P, not moving up in his job or down, simply staying put. The town is located north of Boston, five miles from a beach, with a summer colony on the Point. Sammy is ready to make a change. He wants to be part of the girl’s world. Sammys thoughts give us some insight on his feeling that the girls, just like the rich summer colony they came from, are out of his reach. All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room. Her father and all the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties. When my parents have somebody over they get lemonade and if its a real racy affair Schlitz in tall glasses with Theyll Do It Every time cartoons stenciled on. (86) The girls are buying a jar of Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks as Lengel, the store manager and Sunday school teacher, criticizes their dress, Girls this isnt the beach. (87) The queen answers, My mother asked me to pick up a jar of herring snacks. Lengel continues to harass the girls. Girls, I dont want to argue with you. (87) After this come in here with your shoulders covered. Its our policy. Sammy, now having had enough of Lengel embarrassing the girls, takes what he considers â€Å"heroic†type action announcing, I quit. Taking off his apron and bow tie, Sammy leaves the store with a final ring of NO SALE. (87) He is hoping the girls will give some sign of recognition to his heroic act on their behalf, yet they do not. Sammys act of quitting is described as the response of the still uncorrupted, because he has not learned the sad wisdom of compromise†. Updike successfully shows that our actions have consequences through Sammy who was trying to take a stand on a small but heroic attitude. He is ignored by the wealthy girls and ends up without a job in the end. With a single act he achieves a new honor, one that leaves him from his bland conservative environment and abandons him, not with a suddenly developed sympathy to the wealthy, but with a loneliness that signals his birth into separation and solitude. Sammy looks for the girls who have already gone. He sees a young married woman, yelling at her children and realizes, How is the world going to be to me here after. (88) Works Cited
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