Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Procter and Gamble: PEST SWOT Analysis
Procter and Gamble: PEST SWOT Analysis Procter and Gamble Market Environment Central problem Procter and Gamble (PG) started its PuR project as part of selling water purification technology named the PuR sachets. However, entering the market with water purification technology had three major issues all related to brand and product recognition. Thus, with PG facing brand and product difficulties, three major problems were threatening to decapitate the investments that were poured into the PuR project. The very first problem that PuR project as creating awareness for the brand and product that had not been traded before in the market. Thus, in promoting the product, the company faced two secondary problems which included difficulties in establishing ready market for the product and convincing customers that the PuR sachets were relevant in their lives. Secondly, the company developed the project through heavy spending. The problem associated with the investment into the PuR project is that the company’s under per sales did not seem to be sufficient enough to cover the c osts, hence the management was contemplating on dropping the project. Thirdly, while PuR was a reality and that the company was seeking approval from CDC, a major problem involved the lack of public or customer demand for the product regardless of the fact that PG tried to convince customers that dirty water was the cause of diarrhea (Hanson and Karen, 11). Secondary problems that faced PG included the fact that the PuR used preparation method that was very difficult to copy but very expensive as well. Thus, the company could not trade its water purification solution at a price that customers were able to afford. Additionally, the target market probably at a higher risk of contracting diarrhea due to consumption of dirty water was the very one that could not afford to buy the PuR sachets at the high prices. Collectively, finding market was a base and persisting problem that did not favor the PuR project and also did not have the potential to sustain the business projection of the company. Environmental Scanning Political Factors PG targeted various markets with the PuR sachets. Among these were the pioneer market in Pakistan, Guatemala, and Morocco. The political environment in most of these markets favored the marketing of PuR sachets but Morocco was quite problematic as testing at school level was denied. All of the identified markets allowed for village testing of the PuR sachets which meant that the only major problem the company was facing was associated with its approach in working with various major governmental departments and ministries. Like in Morocco, the company could not get approval for testing at the school level but it was able to get approval of the CDC in the US. Economic Factors Among the economic factor that were facing PG included the nature of the market as well as the social class of the potential buyers of the product. Initially, the CDC saw potential in the PuR sachets and encouraged the company to continue with the project. However, the company management had had enough of the under per sales due to lack of sustaining customer base. Additionally, with reference to the existence of other brands and availability of bottled water, PG was not getting as much return on investment as it had hoped for. Finally, multiple tests and commissioning of research and development continued to take more of the company’s financial power thus weakening its promotional power. The company once had to take a desperate stance of signing a contract with nonprofit organization so that it can promote the PuR sachets in developing nations. This approach shows how economically desperate the market was making the company at hand. Social Factors Social factors that most companies are worried about today include the income of their target market and the underlying issues that push the demand for products and services. Among these issues, the target market for PuR sachets were the households that had bottom-of-the-pyramid entities, children. However, the social class of which illness related to dirty water could affect were the low-income families. The problem with the PuR sachet target market is that it had very little experience in using water purification methods and also did not have the financial potential to buy the products that the prices they were traded at. While dirty water was associated with diseases such as diarrhea, the target market had other issues affecting them besides the diseases – the included household income and consideration of other factors besides water treatment. Technological Factors While most of the factors considered under this title played a negative role towards the development and trading of PuR sachets, technology was the only one that had an all-round positive effect to the desperate situation. PG had the required strength to develop research and development approaches aimed at managing most of its projects. However, considering research and development, PG had to invest in technology that both identified the need for water purification. Additionally, the packaging of the PuR was light and could store the contents for over three years. This approach in technology enabled the company- despite the low demand- the products did not go to waste due to their extended life span. SWOT Analysis Strengths Among the strengths of PG include: Financial strength of the company The company is well established worldwide The company is diversified and has numerous other products it trades which contribute to its financial strength The company’s philanthropic tradition connects it with customers as it contributes to various charity events Weaknesses Among the weaknesses of PG include The company is diversified and offers a continuum of products to the market from health products to domestic animal products. This approach makes the company’s strategic approach unfocused. The company is involved in non-effective marketing campaigns that drain the company’s financial stability. Due to poor market feasibility studies, the company’s venture in Morocco, Pakistan, and Guatemala all failed to meet expectations With unfocused research and development, the company had to call back its products for redevelopment wasting more money. Opportunities The company pioneered a product that continued to attract more customers due to health education programs The company’s joint venture with local companies increase its market penetration and spreads risks to create financial security. With reference to Morocco, the company is able to reach out for more customers in need of clean water while in Pakistan developing upper class population providing ready market for the PuR sachets. Increasing cases of waterborne diseases create a larger market for water purification solutions. Threats More companies and brands have ventured into the market and offer far more affordable products as compared to the PuR sachets New entry products have the potential to weaken the current market share. Regulatory agencies in the current target markets prevent the company from saturating the available markets with the PuR sachets. Strategic Alternatives The strategic alternatives that can be used to ensure that the company is able to trade more profitably would be to Hire marketing agency to properly promote the products and manage finances Reduce the product portfolio so that the company focuses better on the most important lines of products Promote products in more dynamic markets rather than slowly developing markets Course of Action The course of action for each of the alternative is as follows: Alternative 1: In hiring suitable marketing agency, the company would invite marketing companies to bid for a one year contract to assess potential markets and to incorporate market segmentation relating to social factors affecting each type of market (Kahn, 76). Alternative 2: Since PG trades numerous products, the company is to select the products that are least profitable to the company and discontinue their production. This would enable the company to invest more funds to meaningful projects while cutting cost in the production of non-value intensive products (Kahn, 78). Alternative 3: The Company is to hire a marketing agency in this case or to conduct research regarding the most favorable markets worth investing in. Additionally, the current markets or nations that the company invests in could be measured in terms of economic stability and the per capita for perceived potential customers. In consideration, the company or the hired marketing agency can investigate the Gini Index of the target population of various potential markets to identify how sustainable the company operations can be in a new environment (Masur, 666). Work Cited Hanson, Margaret and Karen Powell. Procter Gamble PuR Purifier of Water: Developing the Product and Taking it to Market. INSEAD. 2009. Print. Retrieved from: http://www.gwu.edu/~clai/training_programs/UChile_MBA_Programs/uchilemba2010/Griffin_Readings/CSR_PuR_A_case.pdf Kahn, Kenneth. Functional, Multifunctional, and Cross-Functional: Considerations for Marketing Management. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 17, No. 1 2009: pp. 75-84. Print. Masur, Jonathan and Posner, Eric. Against Feasibility Analysis. The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 77, No. 2: 2010; pp. 657-716. Print.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
Pendidikan yang sedia ada ini juga tidak hanya terhad kepada pembelajaran kurikulum di sekolah sahaja. Ia juga merupakan sebahagian daripada konsep pembelajaran sepanjang hayat atau lifelong learning bukanlah merupakan suatu konsep yang baru sama ada di dalam sistem pendidikan negara malah di peringkat antarabangsa juga. Konsep pembelajaran sepanjang hayat ini sangat luas pengertiannya kerana ia bukan sahaja terhad kepada para pelajar yang sedang menuntut di sekolah, malah ia juga melibatkan kanak-kanak kecil sehinggalah kepada mereka yang sudah tua. Secara tidak langsung, konsep ini merujuk kepada pendemokrasian pendidikan yang merangkumi program meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kompetensi sama ada ia dilakukan secara formal ataupun secara tidak formal berdasarkan pengalaman dan latihan yang telah dibekalkan oleh pihak pengurusan sekolah kepada para pelajarnya. Setiap individu haruslah menanam sifat suka dalam mereka agar rajin dalam meneroka ilmu pengetahuan secara berterusan tanpa mengira masa, tempat dan keadaan. Sidang dewan yang berwawasan, wacana saya yang seterusnya masih berkisar dengan kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan. Kita tahu betapa pentingnya penyediaan pendidikan bertaraf dunia kerana jika sistem pendidikan kita setaraf dengan dengan insitusi-institusi pendidikan di negara-negara maju di seluruh ini, penghasilan modal insan dan peratus kecemerlangan pelajar di seluruh negara dapat ditingkatkan. Oleh itu, sektor industri pendidikan negara hendaklah melakukan perubahan dan pembaharuan secara dinamis. Matlamat untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai salah satu pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan (centre of academics excellence) di Rantau Asia dan juga di peringkat anatarabangsa pada abad 21 ini nanti akan memerlukan negar... ...unyai muhasabah diri, mereka mampu mencipta nama dan berjaya di peringkat global. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian, Sedarkah anda bahawa percubaan dan uji kaji ribuan kali telah dilakukan oleh Thomas Adison untuk mencipta lampu yang dapat kita nikmati faedahnya sehingga ke hari ini? Tahukah anda bahawa Colonel Sandera telah bersusah payah siang dan malam untuk mencipta resepi rahsia KFC nya sehingga semua kita yang pada hari ini menjamahnya sehingga menjilat jari? Sikap sebeginilah yang wajar diambilkan sebagai contoh dan panduan sekiranya kita ingin betul-betul cemerlang dalam akademik bahkan kehidupan kita seharian. Antara rahsia kejayaan orang-orang yang hebat ini ialah kepatuhan kepada disiplin. Lihatlah wahai dunia bahawa orang-orang yang berdisiplin ini yang akan menggoncang dunia! Bak kata pepatah, â€Å"siapa yang menuai, dia akan dapat hasilnya†.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Comparison of Indirect Cost Multipliers for Vehicle Manufacturing Essay
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor The University of Chicago, nor any of their employees or officers, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of document authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof, Argonne National Laboratory, or The University of Chicago. COMPARISON OF INDIRECT COST MULTIPLIERS FOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURING INTRODUCTION In the process of manufacturing and selling vehicles, a manufacturer incurs certain costs. Among these costs are those incurred directly as a part of manufacturing operations and those incurred indirectly in the processes of manufacturing and selling. The indirect costs may be productionrelated, such as R&D and engineering; business-related, such as corporate staff salaries and pensions; or retail-sales-related, such as dealer support and marketing. These indirect costs are recovered by allocating them to each vehicle. Under a stable, high-volume production process, the allocation of these indirect costs can be approximated as multipliers (or factors) applied to the direct cost of manufacturing. A manufacturer usually allocates indirect costs to finished vehicles according to a corporation-specific pricing strategy. Because the volumes of sales and production vary widely by model within a corporation, the internal corporate percent allocation of various accounting categories (such as profit or corporate overhead) can vary widely among individual models. Approaches also vary across corporations. For our purposes, an average value is constructed, by means of a generic representative method, for vehicle models produced at high volume. To accomplish this, staff at Argonne National Laboratory’s (ANL’s) Center for Transportation Research analyzed the conventional vehicle cost structure and developed indirect cost multipliers for passenger vehicles. This memorandum summarizes the results of an effort to compare and put on a common basis the cost multipliers used in ANL’s electric and hybrid electric vehicle cost estimation procedures with those resulting from two other methodologies. One of the two compared methodologies is derived from a 1996 presentation by Dr. Chris Borroni-Bird of Chrysler Corporation, the other is by Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc. (EEA), as described in a 1995 report by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), Congress of the United States. The cost multipliers are used for scaling the component costs to retail prices. ANL METHODOLOGY The ANL methodology described here is based on an analysis concerned with electric vehicle production and operating costs (Cuenca et al. 2000; Vyas et al. 1998). The analysis evaluated the cost structure for conventional vehicle manufacturing and retailing and assigned shares of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) to various cost contributors. Multipliers developed from the ANL methodology are applied to the manufacturing cost of an individual component in order to scale the component cost to the retail price. Several cost contributors are included in the methodology, as summarized in Table 1. Some of the vehicle components for electric and hybrid electric vehicles would be procured from outside suppliers. This assumption is applied to electric drive components, excluding the battery; the vehicle manufacturer would produce the rest. Thus, two cost multipliers, one for the components manufactured internally and the other for outsourced components, are necessary to estimate the price of electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Outside suppliers would incur some of the costs normally borne by the vehicle manufacturer. In the ANL methodology, we assume that the costs of â€Å"Warranty,†â€Å"R&D/Engineering,†and â€Å"Depreciation and Amortization†are borne by the Page 1 suppliers of outsourced components. The outside suppliers would include these costs in their prices. The following two cost multipliers are computed by using â€Å"Cost of Manufacture†as the base: Cost multiplier for components manufactured internally = 100/50 = 2. 00. Cost multiplier for outsourced components = 100/(50 + 6. 5 + 5. 5 + 5) = 1. 50. Table 1 Contributors to Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price in ANL Methodology Cost Category Cost Contributor Relative to Share of Cost of Vehicle MSRP Manufacturing (%) Vehicle Manufacturing Cost of Manufacture 1. 00 50. 0 Production Overhead Warranty 0. 10 5. 0 R&D/Engineering 0. 13 6. 5 Depreciation and Amortization 0. 11 5. 5 Corporate Overhead Corporate Overhead, Retirement and 0. 14 7. 0 Health Selling Distribution, Marketing, Dealer 0. 47 23. 5 Support, and Dealer Discount Sum of Costs 1. 95 97. 5 Profit Profit 0. 05 2. 5 Total Contribution to 2. 00 100. 0 MSRP METHODOLOGY DERIVED FROM BORRONI-BIRD PRESENTATION In his presentation, entitled â€Å"Automotive Fuel Cell Requirements,†at the 1996 Automotive Technology Development Customers’ Coordination Meeting, Borroni-Bird included charts on the â€Å"Typical American Automobile: Price/Cost Breakdown. †The charts provided a graphical breakdown of vehicle price, showing cost contributors and profit. We used the charts to arrive at percentage shares of vehicle price by various contributors. Table 2 shows the resulting allocation. Page 2 Table 2 Price/Cost Breakdown Based on Borroni-Bird Presentation Cost Category Cost Contributor a Vehicle Manufacturing Fixed Cost Selling Sum of Costs Profit MSRP a Material Cost Assembly Labor and Other Manufacturing a Costs Transportation/Warranty Amortization and Depreciation, Engineering R&D, Pension and Health Care, Advertising, and Overhead Price Discounts Dealer Markup Automobile Profit. Relative to Cost of Vehicle Manufacturing 0. 87 0. 13 0. 09 0. 44 Share of MSRP (%) 42. 5 6. 5 4. 5 21. 5 0. 10 0. 36 1. 99 0. 06 2. 05 5. 0 17. 5 97. 5 2. 5 100. 0 These two contributors are scaled to sum to 1 in the third column, as in Table 1. In his presentation, Borroni-Bird did not evaluate the treatment of in-house or outsourced components. His methodology does not lend itself to easy computation of cost multipliers comparable with those in the ANL methodology, unless we make a few assumptions. We have assumed that â€Å"Material Cost,†taken together with â€Å"Assembly Labor and Other Manufacturing Costs,†would form the â€Å"Vehicle Manufacturing†base for the in-house components. The costs of â€Å"Transportation/Warranty,†â€Å"Amortization and Depreciation,†and â€Å"Engineering R&D†would be borne by the suppliers of outsourced components. However, â€Å"Amortization and Depreciation†and â€Å"Engineering R&D†costs were merged with â€Å"Pension and Health Care,†â€Å"Advertising,†and â€Å"Overhead†costs by Borroni-Bird. We assumed that half of the costs under this category would be borne by the suppliers of outsourced components. Our assumptions led to the following cost multipliers: Cost multiplier for components manufactured internally = 100/(42. 5 + 6. 5) = 2. 05. Cost multiplier for outsourced components = 100/(42. 5 + 6. 5 + 4. 5 + 10. 75) = 1. 56. These cost multipliers are very similar to those computed with the ANL methodology. Comparison of ANL and Borroni-Bird Methodologies The information from Tables 1 and 2 is shown in terms of cost categories in Table 3. Both methodologies use vehicle manufacturing cost as the base and add other costs to it. The share of MSRP attributable to â€Å"Vehicle Manufacturing†is 50% in the ANL methodology, compared with 49% in the Borroni-Bird Methodology. Borroni-Bird combined several cost contributors under â€Å"Fixed Cost. †These contributors include (see Table 2) â€Å"Amortization and Depreciation,†â€Å"Engineering R&D,†â€Å"Pension and Health Care,†â€Å"Advertising,†and â€Å"Overhead. †Except for the inclusion of â€Å"Advertising,†â€Å"Production Overhead†and â€Å"Corporate Overhead†in the ANL methodology can be combined to form an equivalent category. ANL’s total of 24% by production Page 3. and corporate overheads is slightly lower than the total of 26% by Borroni-Bird. The ANL category of â€Å"Selling,†which includes â€Å"Distribution,†â€Å"Marketing,†â€Å"Dealer Support,†and â€Å"Dealer Discount,†is broader than that of â€Å"Price Discounts†and â€Å"Dealer Markup†specified by BorroniBird, and this category’s contribution is understandably slightly higher in the ANL methodology. The share of MSRP by â€Å"Profit†is the same in both methodologies. The absolute differences, computed as ANL value minus Borroni-Bird value, are 1% for â€Å"Vehicle Manufacturing,†–2% for â€Å"Fixed Cost,†and 1% for â€Å"Selling†cost. Table 3 Comparison of Vehicle Price/Cost Allocation by ANL and Borroni-Bird Methodologies ANL Methodology Cost Contributor or Category Vehicle Manufacturing Production Overhead Corporate Overhead Selling Sum of Costs Profit MSRP EEA METHODOLOGY The methodology of Energy and Environmental Analysis is summarized in the OTA report OTAETI-638, entitled Advanced Automotive Technology: Visions of a Super-Efficient Family Car, published in September 1995. The values of some cost contributors are not listed in the report. Moreover, depreciation, amortization, and tooling expenses are assumed to be case-specific and therefore must be computed for each case. In order to make the EEA and ANL methodologies comparable, some assumptions were necessary. These assumptions are described in the summary below. The EEA cost equations can be simplified as follows: Cost of Manufacture = Division Cost ? [1 + Division Overhead] Manufacturer Cost = [Cost of Manufacture + Assembly Labor + Assembly Overhead] ? [1 + Manufacturing Overhead + Manufacturing Profit] + Engineering Expense + Tooling Expense + Facilities Expense Retail Price Equivalent = Manufacturer Cost ? [1 + Dealer Margin] Borroni-Bird Methodology Share of Cost Contributor or Category Share of MSRP (%) MSRP (%) 50. 0 Vehicle Manufacturing 49. 0 17. 0 Fixed Cost 26. 0 7. 0 23. 5 Selling 22. 5 97. 5 Sum of Costs 97. 5 2. 5 Automobile Profit 2. 5 100. 0 MSRP 100. 0 Page 4 The report lists the following values for overhead, profit, and dealer margin: Division Overhead = Supplier Overhead = 0. 20 (We assume that division and supplier overheads are equal; only the supplier overhead is given in the report. ) Manufacturing Overhead = 0. 25 Manufacturing Profit = 0. 20 Dealer Margin = 0. 25 Because the documentation in the OTA report does not provide values for â€Å"Assembly Labor,†â€Å"Assembly Overhead,†â€Å"Engineering Expense,†â€Å"Tooling Expense,†and â€Å"Facilities Expense,†cost multipliers cannot be computed directly from these data. The â€Å"Assembly Labor†and â€Å"Assembly Overhead†share of MSRP is 6. 5% in Borroni-Bird’s presentation. The engineering, tooling, and facilities expenses can be taken as the sum of â€Å"R&D/Engineering†and â€Å"Depreciation and Amortization†from the ANL methodology, at 12% of the MSRP. In deriving the division cost and price relationship below, we use the term Retail Price Equivalent (RPE) from the OTA report instead of MSRP. The RPE can be computed as follows: RPE = = = {[Division Cost ? 1. 2 + 0. 065 RPE] ? 1. 45 + 0. 12 RPE} ? 1. 25 Division Cost ? 2. 175 + 0. 268 RPE Division Cost ? 2. 175/(1 – 0. 268) = Division Cost ? 2. 97 Putting ANL and EEA Methodologies on a Common Basis As it was described in the OTA report, the EEA methodology did not provide enough data to compute the cost multipliers. We assumed some cost shares to be the same between the EEA, Borroni-Bird, and ANL methodologies while developing the above relationship between Division Cost and RPE. The EEA methodology is based on the material and labor costs of a division of the vehicle manufacturer, with other costs added on. The ANL methodology evaluates an assembled vehicle, using the vehicle manufacturing cost as the base cost. The ANL methodology also assigns additional costs to the outsourced components, whereas the treatment of such components is not clear in the EEA methodology. We have attempted to develop a common basis for the ANL and EEA methodologies by assigning shares of the final vehicle price, RPE in the EEA methodology, to individual cost categories similar to those listed in Table 1. Table 4 presents such a summary for the EEA methodology. Three cost contributors, â€Å"Division Cost,†â€Å"Division Overhead,†and â€Å"Assembly Labor and Overhead,†are combined under the â€Å"Vehicle Manufacturing†category. Two cost contributors, â€Å"Manufacturing Overhead†and â€Å"Engineering, Tooling, and Facilities Expenses,†combine to form the â€Å"Overhead†category. The â€Å"Dealer Margin†in the EEA methodology represents a factor applied to all manufacturer costs and profit. We assumed that this factor represents all costs of selling the vehicle. Although the profit is computed at the manufacturing level by EEA, we moved the profit to the bottom of the table to be consistent with prior tables. The cost allocation in Table 4 allows us to compute the in-house components cost multiplier as follows: Cost multiplier for in-house components = 100/(33. 7 + 6. 7 + 6. 5) = 2. 14 Page 5 To compute the cost multiplier for an outsourced component, one more assumption is necessary. In the ANL methodology, we assumed that the supplier will bear the costs of â€Å"Warranty,†â€Å"R&D Engineering,†and â€Å"Depreciation and Amortization. †However, the EEA methodology does not identify the warranty cost separately. We assumed it to be half of â€Å"Manufacturing Overhead†at 5. 05%. This, with the earlier assumption related to â€Å"Engineering, Tooling, and Facilities Expenses,†led to the following computation: Cost multiplier for outsourced components = 100/(33. 7 + 6. 7 + 6. 5 + 5. 05 + 12) = 1. 56 These multipliers, adapted from our extension of the EEA information on vehicle costs, are very close to those derived from the ANL and Borroni-Bird methodologies. Table 4 Contributors to Retail Price Equivalent in EEA Methodology Cost Category Cost Contributor a Vehicle Manufacturing Overhead Selling Sum of Costs Profit Manufacturing Profit Total Contribution to RPE a Division Cost a Division Overhead Assembly Labor and a Overhead Manufacturing Overhead Engineering, Tooling, and Facilities Expenses Dealer Margin Relative to Cost of Vehicle Manufacturing 0. 72 0. 14 0. 14 0. 22 0. 26 0. 49 1. 97 0. 17 2. 14 Share of RPE (%) 33. 7 6. 7 6. 5 10. 1 12. 0 22. 9 91. 9 8. 1 100. 0 These three cost contributors are scaled to sum to 1 in the third column, as in Table 1. Comparison of ANL and EEA Methodologies The information from Tables 1 and 4 is presented in terms of cost categories in Table 5 for easy comparison. The â€Å"Vehicle Manufacturing†cost share is 46. 9% in the EEA methodology, compared with 50% in the ANL methodology. EEA’s RPE share of 22. 1% by overhead is lower than the ANL value of 24%. The cost of selling is 22. 9% in the EEA methodology, which is close to the ANL value of 23. 5%. The largest difference is in the RPE share by profit, which is 8. 1% in the EEA methodology, more than three times the ANL value of 2. 5%. According to Economic Indicators: The Motor Vehicle’s Role in the U. S. Economy (American Automobile Manufacturers Association 1998), the average net income before taxes for the three domestic manufacturers was 3. 9% during 1994-1997. Aside from vehicle sales, this value (3. 9%) includes income from spare parts sales and vehicle financing. Thus, the profit share appears very high in the EEA methodology. The absolute differences – computed as ANL value minus EEA value – are 3. 1% for component/material cost, 1. 9% for overhead, 0. 6% for selling, and –5. 6% for profit. Page 6 Table 5 Comparison of Price Allocation by ANL and EEA Methodologies ANL Methodology Cost Contributor or Category Vehicle Manufacturing Production Overhead Corporate Overhead Selling Sum of Costs Profit MSRP SUMMARY An attempt to put three methodologies for automobile cost allocation on a common basis is presented in this technical memorandum. This comparison was carried out to verify the reasonableness of the cost multipliers used in ANL’s cost models for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. When put into a common format, by means of certain assumptions, the three approaches yielded the cost multipliers provided in Table 6. Table 6 Summary of Cost Multipliers Computed on a Common Basis Multiplier for In-House Components Outsourced Components ACKNOWLEDGMENT Funding for the analysis presented here was provided by the Planning and Assessment function of the Office of Transportation Technologies of the U. S. Department of Energy, managed by Dr. Philip Patterson. This technical memorandum is produced under U. S. Government contract No. W-31-109-Eng-38. REFERENCES American Automobile Manufacturers Association, 1998, Economic Indicators: The Motor Vehicle’s Role in the U. S. Economy, Detroit, Mich. Borroni-Bird, C. , 1996, â€Å"Automotive Fuel Cell Requirements,†Proceedings of the 1996 Automotive Technology Development Customers’ Coordination Meeting, U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Washington, D. C. ANL 2. 00 1. 50 Borroni-Bird 2. 05 1. 56 EEA 2. 14 1. 56 EEA Methodology Share of Cost Contributor or Category MSRP (%) 50. 0 Vehicle Manufacturing 17. 0 Overhead 7. 0 23. 5 Selling 97. 5 Sum of Costs 2. 5 Profit 100. 0 RPE Share of RPE (%) 46. 9 22. 1 22. 9 91. 9 8. 1 100. 0 Page 7 Cuenca, R. M. , L. L. Gaines, and A. D. Vyas, 2000, Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Production and Operating Costs, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/ESD-41, Argonne, Ill. (to be published). Vyas, A. , R. Cuenca, and L. Gaines, 1998, â€Å"An Assessment of Electric Vehicle Life Cycle Costs to Consumers,†Proceedings of the 1998 Total Life Cycle Conference, SAE International Report P339, Warrendale, Penn. , pp. 161-172.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Literary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula - 1994 Words
Vampire stories are full of mystery and suspense and also very interesting, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discuss or classify the author’s work that will lift the reader knowledge. Literary terms convey the writer’s message in a simple manner to the readers. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the use of literary†¦show more content†¦These gothic elements are elements that represent the dark features of the book that are happening to Jonathan and what he is going through. Round characters are throughout the story and all play a significant role during the story. Jonathan, Mina, and Dr.Seward are all round characters that make a significant impact on the story. The round characters play a significant and impactful part, throughout the story. For example, when Mina Harker was in the process of becoming a vampire in Chapter 26 she guides and helps the group consisting of Jonathan, Mina, Seward, Vanhelsing, Arthur, and Quincey Morris track down Dracula so they can have the jump on him. â€Å"All day long we have traveled...†(Stoker 393). This shows that Mina has given them information on Dracula and join them in the journey. They find and kill him to set Mina soul free. Dr. Seward was a Doctor who helped Mina and Lucy to save one of their lives. The quote shows that round characters play a big part in the story. Jonathan develops throughout the story. It proves round’s play a major role throughout the book even though some may not even not ice. But they play a role that can change up the whole story. The round character has to develop like Mina did. Romantic relations/conventions are showed during the duration of the story. There are many things that Jonathan encounters, but he writes in his journal that he was part of some sort of â€Å"queer dream†. Jonathan experiences a queer dream as part of aShow MoreRelatedLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula2026 Words  | 9 Pagesdid you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms such as gothic and romantics are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discussRead MoreWeaknesses Of Dracula1674 Words  | 7 Pageswho sparkles? Dracula was written in 1897 and is the first piece of literature that includes vampires and sets up the characteristics of future vampires. Dozen of works of literature has been created based off of the creature in Dracula for example the novel Twilight and as time goes on literature has tweaked some of the vampire’s traits, powers and weaknesses. Dracula is a gothic novel with gothic elements such as a decaying setting and supernatural beings or monsters. Bram Stoker is an author fromRead More Intertextual Exchange in Carmilla, Dracula and the Historian1639 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Writers seldom duplicate their influential precursor(s); rather, they often work within a certain framework established by other writers or generic conventions, but vary aspects of it in significant ways†(Friedman 155). Sheridan Le Fanu’s, Carmilla, Bram Stoker’s, Dracula and Elizabeth Kostova’s, The Historian, clearly engage in this intertextual exchange, as evidenced by their use of narrative structure and striking character parallels. Published in 1872, Le Fanu relates the story of CarmillaRead MoreGothic Elements And Gothic Elements In Bram Stokers Dracula2068 Words  | 9 PagesGothic Elements in Dracula A Gothic novel is one which incorporates all the modes of literature such as horror, the setting, suspense, superstition, atmosphere, horror etc. In the story Dracula the author shows these traits in various sections of the story that makes it a lot more interesting and it is one of the main characteristics beside the various other features that makes this story great. Dracula is a story by Mr. Bram Stoker during the Victorian era where Count Dracula is the antagonistRead MoreGothic Elements In Dracula Essay1499 Words  | 6 PagesBram Stoker s Dracula is a staple of the Gothic Horror genre. It is a novel that has been scrutinized by countless readers since it was published in 1897. While Stoker s novel is certainly not the first example of a piece of gothic horror, or even the first example of a gothic horror story focusing categorically on vampires, it still managed to plenarily capture the attention of the public. But not only did Dracula enthrall the readers of its time, but it perpetuated to be a mainstay of the gothicRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1035 Words  | 5 PagesHyde-ing In Plain Sight: The Duality of Dr. Jekyll Robert Louis Stevenson s initial notoriety came as an avatar of expansive adventure fiction, most famously through 1883 s Treasure Island. Just three years later, however, he would cement his status as one of the 19th century s most popular and versatile writers by releasing the horror suspense novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It s a testament to Stevenson s concept of the duality of man-- the pious intellectual and the wantonRead MoreComparing Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the 1972 Film Blacula Essay1917 Words  | 8 PagesBram Stoker’s Dracula is not only a classic story of men and monsters, but a dramatic reactionary work to the perceived threats to Victorian society in nineteenth century England. In modern times there have been many film adaptations of the novel, each developing a unique analysis or criticism of the literary text within the framework of the society and time period in which it was created. The 1972 film Blacula is one of the most culturally specific variations on the story of Dracula, and highlightsRead MoreEnglish Source Doc.7581 Words  | 31 PagesTitle: Dracula: Stoker s Response to the New Woman Author(s): Carol A. Senf Publication Details: Victorian Studies 26.1 (Autumn 1982): p33-49. Source: Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 156. Detroit: Gale, 2006. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Critical essay Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning Full Text: [(essay date autumn 1982) In the following essay, Senf contends that, contraryRead MoreLiterary Origins, Cultural Relevance, And Documentary Techniques2930 Words  | 12 PagesRebecca Holland Visual Anthropology Dracula and Friends - Literary Origins, Cultural Relevance, and Documentary Techniques in the Cinematic Space of the American Vampire Film Beginning with a debut in American cinema in 1927 (1), the vampire has enjoyed a long and illustrious cinematic sojourn that has tracked a number of changes in his or her appearance, demeanor, personality, style of undeath, and relationship to humankind. At first an intimate invader, then a source of terror to be loathedRead MoreGraphic In Comic Books And Graphic Novelsbram1158 Words  | 5 Pages Page:of 10 Graphic BleedVampires in comic books and graphic novelsBram Stoker’s Dracula #1 (1992). Panel art by Mike Mingola.Since the 18th century, Vampires have ultimatelytranscended narrativeboundaries and genre divides. The Vampiresub- †culturehasflourishes in neo gothic aesthetics in science fiction and fantasy,in romantic and young adultliteratureand incelluloid. Vampiregraphic
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